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Julie Cairnes

The Woman They Could Not Silence

Writer's picture: Julie Von Nonveiller CairnesJulie Von Nonveiller Cairnes

(Just one of) today's messages from

my wannabe oppressors (see below)

Daily Scorpio

Thu 11 January - 2024

"Long ago, you realised that while certain individuals

have an instinctive sense of when to speak up and,

equally, when to keep things to themselves, this is rare.

Bear this in mind now, while you’re dealing

with the current range of tricky situations.

For the moment, the less you say, the better."

by Shelley Von Strunckel,

member of the Cult I'm exposing

Oh yes? My muse answers:

Hana Rawhiti Maipi Clarke delivers maiden speech in Parliament


(Te Pāti Māori—Hauraki-Waikato):

Tēnā rā koe, e te Pīka. Tēnā rā tātou, e te Whare. Ka ngau ki Mōkau, ka ngau ki Tāmaki. Ka rū te whenua, ka mate te marama, ka taka ngā whetū i te rangi,

ka ara Waikato i te rua, au, au, aue ha.

Haka—E ko te tūī

He aha rā, he aha rā?

He aha te mahi mō runga i te marae e tū nei!

E ko te tui, e ko te tui!

E ko te hono ki te kotahitanga ki te Kīngi Māori e tū nei

E tū nei i runga i te mana Māori motuhake e tū nei

Whiti! Whiti!

Whiti ki te tika

Whiti ki te ora

Whiti ki te rangimārie

Titia iho

Au! Au! Aue hā!

Hikohiko te uira, papā te whatitiri, whakahekeheke mai te Kōhanga ki runga o Pāremata.

"Kua ara ake ahau i te papa o te whenua, kua kite au i ngā whetū e tū takitahi ana. Ko Matariki te kairuri, ko Atutahi kei te taumata o te Mangōroa. Ko te Atua tōku piringa,

ka puta, ka ora." He tongikura nā Kīngi Tāwhiao.

Kei taku kīngi, Kīngi Tāwhiao Pōtatau Te Wherowhero te Tuawhitu, me te whare kāhui ariki whānui, te Puhiariki o te motu, Ngā-wai-hono-i-te-pō, kua rangatira tō tātou nei pō i a koe. Rirerire hau, pai mārire.

Ngā mate o te tau, o te marama, o te wiki, o te rā nei, ngā rārangi kīngi o te pō, hoki atu rā koutou ki te pare kawakawa o Pareārau.

Ki te mana whenua o Te Ātiawa, nei rā ka tūohu.

He raukura nō Rongowairereiao, Taranaki.

Thank you, Mr Speaker. Greetings to us all, to the House.

I wander to Mōkau, I wander to Auckland.

The land quakes, the moon wanes, the stars fall from the sky,

Waikato arises from the abyss, it is our time.

Haka—E ko te tūī

What is it, what is it?

What is the purpose of the gathering on the marae that stands here!

It is to unite, it is to unite!

It is to come together under the mantle and unity of the Kīngitanga

Upon the foundations of our Māori self-determination

Emanate and shine!

Emanate what is right

Emanate life

Emanate peace

Let all these things come together

Au! Au! Aue hā!

Lightning flashes, thunder crashes, the Kōhanga generation descends on Parliament.

"I arose from the bed of the earth, I have seen the stars standing alone. Matariki is the one who serenades in farewell, and Atutahi is at the zenith of the Milky Way.

God is my refuge, I emerge, I am well."

[A royal statement by King Tāwhiao]

To my king, King Tāwhiao Pōtatau Te Wherowhero te Tuawhitu, and the entire royal household, the Royal Consort, Ngā Wai-hono-i-te-pō, this night has been honoured by you. Peace and goodness be upon us.

The dearly departed of the year, of the month, of the week, of this very day, the ranks of kings of the night, return to the kawakawa wreath of Jupiter.

To the mana whenua of Te Ātiawa, I bow to you.

[The leader from Rongowairereiao, Taranaki]

Over 1.2 million acres confiscated. He uri o Whakaotirangi o Waikato.

[A descendant of Whakaotirangi of Waikato.]

Over 1.2 million acres confiscated. He whakahekenga nō Āhuaiti o Ngāpuhi.

[A scion of Āhuaiti of Ngāpuhi.]

Over 200,000 lands confiscated. He mangainga nō Hamo-i-te-rangi o Ngāi Tahu.

[A descendant of Hamo-i-te-rangi of Ngāi Tahu.]

34.5 million acres confiscated. Ka ora tonu tō rātou uri whakaheke. Ko Mutuwhenua te marama i te rangi nei, ko Hine-i-te-weka te whetū.

[Their descendant heir will live on. The moon phase today is Mutuwhenua,

the relevant star is Hine-i-te-weka.]

Maori Tribal and Taiaha back tattoo design
by savagewerx

And to Hana I send this Māori blessing:

Kia hora te marino,

Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana,

Kia tere te karohirohi.

May the seas be calm,

May the shimmer of summer

Glisten like the greenstone,

Dance across thy pathway.

Ma Io koutou e manaaki, e tiaki, i nga wa katoa.

May your God bless you and protect you for all time.

"Ko te Amorangi ki Mua  Māori Blessing"

The Māori of New Zealand Photographer Jimmy Nelson



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