The New Age extermination movement
‘Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend.’
— Barbara Marx Hubbard

‘Part of the cure is the experience of transcendence: of a psychic state so intense that time and death disappear. The cure must maintain, or at least evoke periodically, that psychic experience. One’s own sense of transcendence merges with the image of the endless life of one’s people. In that experience — or promise — of ecstasy, one may be ready to kill, or at least to sanction killing.’
— Robert Jay Lifton, 'The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide'

Pale Horse Called Death · Artist Captain Nutmeg
What has been falsely promoted as ‘Life’ by a sick-minded theosophical/New Age group with a fiercely genocidal agenda is actually — Death. This agenda has been around for quite some time, and the cult members are hidden behind seductive, but in actuality, very poisonous and deadly lies. Theirs is not really a racial agenda at all — but a dangerous philosophical sorcery movement.
And if you refuse to kowtow and call them God, as they believe and inflate themselves to be — you’re in trouble. I have first-hand experience of their malicious and sociopathic intentions — directed towards me.
But Life is not what they call it, it’s something else altogether, and definitely not housed in the murderous and psychopathic body of a magically pumped-up with gas female member of their New Age cult, promoted by elite dollars and certain helpful social media marketing giants.
Please, please, please — be aware.

Riders of a Pale Horse called Death
‘People are never so completely and enthusiastically evil as when they act out of religious conviction.’ ― Umberto Eco, The Prague Cemetery
Will you be as deeply shocked as I was when you read the following quote from renowned and beloved New Age ‘leader’ Barbara Marx Hubbard? Will it make your blood run cold as it did mine, and yet, at the same time, finally explain to you much of what you’ve seen and been through in these last few decades, and not fully understood. Until now?
Will it affect you so deeply as to inspire you to make a similar journey through the writings and values of various ‘spiritual teachers’ and ‘gurus’ of the New Age to see what really lies beneath? In an effort to discover and uncover the truth about what’s really going on?
Will it save someone’s life? Maybe even yours?
Here I try to present facts, with some of my own views interlaced. Because what I outline for you here is indeed shocking. But the facts are what’s needed, and this is no conspiracy theory.
It’s a conspiracy fact.
Here I’m revealing the blackest of evils hidden in plain view. Tucked neatly within trite and useless platitudes of New Age teachings, we’ve found the darkest intentions. The worst kind of evil has been insidiously planned to be fully enacted within these times by deceptively smiling faces with outstretched and open arms. Their horrific goal is that of a ‘gentler, yet more final solution’, already being enacted on a global scale, as we speak.
Let me begin to explain, and unveil for you the evil unfolding in our own lives in front of our very unsuspecting and confused eyes .
In her frightening vision in her ‘Book of Co-Creation’, a scarily radiant and deceptively adorable Barbara Marx Hubbard writes:

‘Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend.
One-fourth is destructive [and] they are defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a ‘natural death.’
Now as we approach the quantum shift from the creature-human to the co-creative human — the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers — the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body.
Fortunately, you are not responsible for this act.
We are.
We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth.
He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.’
Death Rider on a Pale Horse · Artist unknown
Here we see clearly in her words, beliefs and thoughts, a dark demonic spectre of an evil mental illness and terrible delusion afflicting some on this planet. These are the élite who call themselves ‘The Elders’ and their followers, who believe they have the right to decide who should live.
And who should die.
“These peoples will eventually be replaced by the new root race about to make its appearance in a newly cleansed world; nevertheless, for the moment, this is a tragedy.” (‘Cosmic Countdown,’ Guardian Action Publications, 1982, p.12)
This particular ‘New Age’ movement is as genocidal and evil as the Nazi atrocities in their ‘cull’ of Jews and others. Those beastly beings who call on one-fourth of the population to elect to transcend (die) — I call on God to call on them instead.
How could anyone with true humanity feel any kind of alignment with this planned extinction program? Of those they have deemed to be ‘defective’. But defective why? Because they might be angry with God? Who hasn't been through such a time of loss of faith and questioning?
Or is the real truth that they plan to destroy any who don’t see eye to eye, disagree and take offence at their fake new age teachings? It’s truly evil incarnate. I had to dig deep into their published works, to gain any understanding of their rationale for their Plan.
And when I use the word ‘destroy’, I really mean — destroy. They mean to exterminate, cull, kill, murder, slaughter — whatever word suits your sensibilities — that’s their goal.
When we look around with eyes wide open, it’s plain to see that this extermination program is already in full swing.
Look to those who follow those teachings, I entreat you. Educate yourself as to what’s really going on. These people believe that after the ‘cull’, a delightful and transcendent humanity of a new Golden Age will emerge.
However, their beliefs stink of an Age of Absolute and Total Darkness when examined, even in a cursory manner.

So — what is ‘Evil’?
‘Son, the greatest trick the Devil pulled was convincing the world there was only one of him.’ ― David Wong
This question of evil has traditionally been religious, with theologians writing reams on the subject, in an endless quest to prove the presence of a benign and loving God that created a deeply flawed world.
Two forms of evil were identified by Saint Augustine:
Moral Evil: the evil humans consciously choose to do, knowing it’s wrongdoing, and
Natural Evil: bad things that just happen — such as natural disasters or fatal illness
And then we have a third evil.
Macrosocial Evil: this is the evil perpetrated by man against man on an almost incomprehensibly massive scale — to the degree of overwhelming entire nations and societies.
This last type of evil has been enacted since time immemorial. The history of our planet is truly appalling, with the suffering and terror of humanity multiplied ceaselessly and seemingly endlessly across the millennia.
For as long as the sweetness of existence has coursed through the hearts and veins of all humanity, with an inexpressible longing for ‘all that is good and right and loving, the sneering, stalking, drooling and scheming beast of [both conscious and unconscious] evil has licked its lips in anticipation of its next feast of terror and suffering.’

And what makes a Psychopath?
‘Is evil something you are? Or is it something you do?’ ― Bret Easton Ellis, American Psycho
Now let’s look deeper into the dark heart of the soulless psychopath. Yes, some are actually born that way — these are the ones born with no conscience or empathy. However, it can also be contagious, in the sense that there are those who take on these psychopathological traits through their environmental upbringing and conditioning.
Their early exposure and attempts to adapt to an insane society, means they have lost the ability to perceive the distinctions between psychopathic and healthy thought processes. They’re ‘no longer able to draw the line between healthy thinking and deviate thinking’.
The psychopath is a predator — a soul eater (psychophagic), who although human — has no soul themself. A soulless being, in fact.
Their complete absence of conscience draws a line between humans ‘arguably more significant than intelligence, race, or even gender.’
When we question what it is that psychopaths get from their victims, the short answer is they enjoy making others suffer.
They’re a different type of human, this predator, that actually consumes the life energy of others, in the vampiric sense. Those who interact with a psychopath/vampire/ narcissist report feeling drained, disoriented and confused afterwards, thence experiencing a rapid deterioration of health.
The problem of protecting oneself from these predators, and when seeking for any identifying characteristics, is that they often look just like anyone else, emotionally, spiritually and in other ways. However, those who find themself deeply enmeshed with a human vampire, unable to extricate themselves from their clutches, might begin to hear alarm bells ringing.
A psychopath can only imitate feelings, unable to really feel them. The only real feeling they seem to have is that driving ‘predatorial hunger’, compelling them to create dramas for effect, to attract and draw in what they are wanting.

The new Golden Age after the Extermination
‘Unless a man becomes the enemy of an evil, he will not even become its slave but rather its champion.’ ― G.K. Chesterton
Remembering that in their Plan, if you aren’t one of the ones chosen to ‘ascend/transcend’, then you’re a ‘Defective Seed’ and destined for extermination.
So once the ‘Bad Seeds’ have been eradicated (at least 1/4 of humanity), these rogue Nazi agents envision a new Golden Age wafting in on the breeze of their relief. With a whole lot more living room on the planet , or what the Nazis called — Lebensraum.
Let’s examine their agenda a little more closely. Hubbard claims to be ‘establishing Evolutionary Circles throughout the world to support small groups in their emergence as universal humans, founders of a global civilisation’ in her CV.
Hubbard was part of think tank, Task Force Delta, and credited with the formation of the FEB (First Earth Battalion) ‘guerrilla gurus’ whose credo declares ‘I take personal responsibility for generating evolutionary conspiracies as a part of my work. I will select and create conspiratorial mechanisms … that will create and perform evolutionary breakthrough actions on behalf of people and planet. One people, one planet.’
Not all people however, will be benefiting from the ‘psychic love bombing’ she planned. Her philosophy felt there to be way too many people on the planet, and there are ‘Bad Seeds’ that she and others of her ilk have personally been tasked with eliminating.
Alice Bailey stated in 1943 that ‘one of the purposes lying behind the present holocaust (World War II) has been the necessity for the destruction of inadequate forms. … the Law of Destruction was permitted to work through humanity itself, and men are now destroying the forms through which many masses of men are functioning.’
‘Destroying forms’ is the Theosophical code phrase for death. After the war, Bailey then wrote that ‘the Custodians of God’s Plan’ saw World War II as a ‘major surgical operation’ that had been ‘largely successful’ in eliminating ‘a violent streptococcic germ’ that had ‘menaced the life of humanity.’ She advised that this would be only the beginning of many sorrows: ‘The germ, to be sure, is not eradicated and makes its presence felt in infected areas of the body of humanity. Another surgical operation may be necessary.’

So what do they mean by Ascension?
‘Evil doesn’t die. It never dies. It just takes on a new face, a new name. Just because we’ve been touched by it once, it doesn’t mean we’re immune to ever being hurt again. Lightning can strike twice.’ ― Tess Gerritsen, The Surgeon
In some spiritual traditions, the concept of ascension or transcendence is about enlightenment and an inexpressible uplifting of the soul.
For transhumanists — the special ‘chosen ones’ who seek immortality — this is through the merging of human and machine, into ultimately a holographic or artificially intelligent being. Many world religions are on that very same page.
The illusion is indeed becoming reality. An illusion cunningly framed in the benign language of ‘peace, love and spirituality’.
The very important thing they don’t mention is that in order to reach this so-called spiritual ‘Ascension/ Transcendence’, most of us need to die.
Those of us who they identify as the ‘Bad Seeds’, that is.
Unfortunately, most aren’t in the know, and don’t see through the garbage and fake rhetoric of ‘peace and sustainability’ to their actual goal of genocide of one-quarter, if not more, of humanity.
Let’s hear from Hubbard once more, as a little reminder:
‘Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend. One-fourth is destructive [and] they are defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a ‘natural death.’ Now as we approach the quantum shift from the creature-human to the co-creative human — the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers — the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body. Fortunately, you are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.’

The Global Shaman
‘I find it most remarkable that we who are so intimately involved in the battle between good and evil are even more involved with the shades of gray in between them.’ ― Christopher Golden, Sons of Entropy
Now, in ancient times, when crops were dying, the land in drought, and the sickness was on the people, a shaman or medicine person would be called in.
A true shaman would arrive from their dwelling on the fringes of society, get the lay of the land, feel into any toxic tribal energies and then withdraw to a hut to work on the endemic problems they identified within that community.
This could be for days, weeks or even longer, as the shaman quietly went about the sacred work of journeying deep into their own soul, in the belief of the deep connection a shaman has with all creation — as a sacred conduit between heaven and earth.
If they could heal that connection then the land and the people would begin healing also, and it was so. The shaman truly lived the philosophy of ‘as within so without’.
However, this ancient living philosophy has been co-opted by the New Age/ Pale Horse moment — a movement now showing its true colours as a Luciferian program that has insidiously instilled a crop of evil and useless teachings into the minds of the adoring masses. These teachings have bred a deep-seated psychological sickness, and their underlying agenda has been proven to be a global genocide program.
The fake and toxic teachings need to be examined and surgically removed one by one from from the mind, body, soul and psyche of this planet — and from any and all that have been so deeply infected by them.
These teachings are Mind Control on an unbelievable level, and a malignancy of intention has been instigated through what has appeared as gentle and benign means.
But the ‘teachers’ of the ‘benign’ New Age teachings have actually proven to be the very real cancer. THEY are the cancer they want eradicated. They, of course, don’t see things this way at all.
And sadly, they have, over time, brought in many resources and funding to their fingertips to promote and implement this demonic global Extermination project.

‘New Age’ elitist lies
‘When one with honeyed words but evil mind Persuades the mob, great woes befall the state.’ ― Euripides
The way New Age fake gurus operate is to present you with manufactured fairy stories as empirical fact. At best this is manipulative, and at its worst, this is pure evil mind control.
Critical thinking is chronically vilified, as are any arguments you might make against their religion of new age ideologies.
Your intuition is seen as the pathway to all understanding, notwithstanding paranoia, underlying childhood trauma or any past-life issues that might affect someone’s ‘gut feeling’ or judgement about someone.
‘Spiritual teachers’ rely on their audience’s wholehearted and open-armed acceptance of their words and practices, without any deep research into the veracity, accuracy and even the origin of the teachings.
The ego of the student is by turns petted or attacked. The spiritual teacher attacks the student’s sense of self, in the belief they’re some kind of Zen monk hitting the naïve and gullible acolyte over the shoulder with a massive metaphorical bamboo stick. A stick that’s actually made of their own ignorance and disdain.
And so, rather than the true spiritual awakening they imagine themselves to be experiencing, the student is, in reality, falling into an even deeper and darker hypnotic sleep than ever before.
The distortions go deep into the soul’s viscera, and the damage done to humanity is, by now, almost immeasurable.
These rogue authorities feeding the spiritual hunger of a gobsmacked global audience always present themselves as the messiah of their field, and with the right charismatic and heady mix of well-constructed wordsmithing of spiritual truths and sexual innuendo, their audience is hooked.
Hook, line and sinker.

The Lucis/Lucifer Movement
‘The daggers of silence last longer than anything ever spoken.’ ― Shannon L. Alder
The Lucis Trust is a Publishing House which was established in 1922 originally named the Lucifer Trust by Alice Bailey, for her own books and those of Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. These days it prints and disseminates material from the United Nations and certain religious publications amongst its published works.
Bailey changed the name of the Trust in an attempt to cloak its real nature and the dark entity it was devoted to — Lucifer.
Evidence of its true origins can be seen on the title page of Baileys book ‘Initiation, Human and Solar’ printed in 1922 with the publisher seen clearly as ‘Lucifer Publishing Coln 1923’. Many hardcore New Age books can be seen to have been published by Lucis Trust.

Conditioning global acceptance of the Plan
‘God never talks. But the devil keeps advertising, Father. The devil does a lot of commercials.’ ― William Peter Blatty, The Exorcist
This very carefully planned program has been implemented by various stages and phases over decades, at least, with precise instructions left by Bailey and others.
‘Triangles’ groups ‘symbolising angelic beings’ according to Blavatsky, are left as the ones ‘responsible to work with the minds of men, and with a factor which is used and exploited by leaders everywhere: the effort is to impress these minds with certain ideas which are necessary to human progress’.
The ‘gradual infiltration of society with Change Agents’ is the ‘factor’ to be ‘exploited.’
‘The Ageless Wisdom’ teachings are the occult teachings to be used to ‘impress the masses’, and its introduction to humanity has been precisely pre-planned in the manner and methods of its phasing in.
o Planetary Evolution: which includes our understanding that we ourselves are Divine — we are God
o The Kingdom of God: to be taught and brought forth by ‘soul-controlled’ beings here on earth
o The Evolution of our God-ness — or being God, demonstrated by having achieved soul-control and the perfection of Godhood
Those who are here already having understood they’re God, are the ones who will teach humanity how to also become God. That is — only those who co-operate and agree with the concepts.
Anyone not seeing eye-to-eye with this philosophy has their fate already fully mapped out within this global Plan of world domination — they’re marked for a ‘gentler final solution’ — extermination.
Or death, to put it more bluntly.

Global pulpits and meeting places
‘Is there worse evil than that which goes in the mask of good?’ ― Lloyd Alexander, The High King
Global Rallying Points have been promoted and built strength in to the movement, using the psychology of group reinforcement at a carefully co-ordinated global level.
This creation over time of a massive public profile has built the kind of legitimacy needed into their philosophical selling points in the minds-eye of the public.
No matter how crazy, useless or harmful their New Age teachings are, they aim to get the gullible public to accept and absorb them via a type of Borg-like osmosis over time. Social Media has, no doubt, been a massive boost to their exponential growth over the past decade at least.
Bailey speaks of the ‘planetary crisis’ of the World War (1914–45) as having been ‘beneficial’ in several ways, to the thinking of she and her peers, in that it apparently flushed out ‘evil from its hidden place and brought the opposing forces to the surface of existence, prior to their sealing’.
It seems also clear that Hitler’s Nazism was not, in fact, the evil they refer to…

Close Encounters of the Planned kind
‘There is nothing inhuman, evil, or irrational which does not give some comfort, provided it is shared by a group.’ ― Erich Fromm, Psychoanalysis and Religion
The people behind the Plan have every little detail worked out — from the first moment you meet, to the moment you either live or die — depending.
Depending how and if you fit into their agenda, or not.
They — let’s call them ‘they’ — promote ‘Light Encounters’, as part of their strategy in breaking down any resistance towards their agenda. Remember — the agenda is about GroupMind — being controlled by them, a compulsory MindState, and a certain belief in God — in fact — being God. With an overarching plan of execution of those who don’t believe or choose to not fully comply. Because they think they see into us all — down to the very bones and sinews of our soul.
They have their ways, and their tools, to penetrate all our cracks and crevices, leaving no thought unturned.
A Light Encounter is a breakthrough spiritual experience of heightened bliss and supranormal consciousness, with a sense of reaching new levels of spiritual achievement. Once experienced, the person will continue to seek to repeat this ‘peak experience’ — a good description might be a spiritual orgasm. Now in traditional and ancient spiritual studies, this experience is not the end, but only a small part of the journey.
The thing is — the New Age strategy insists on you needing a Guide to ‘get you there’ (my italics). One of their indoctrinated Guides. There’s no way you can ever hope to reach enlightenment or any success in life without one of their Guides. Or so they say.
I’ve written a lot about reaching enlightenment without needing the ‘transmission’ from a teacher, and this places me in stark opposition to their teachings. And in opposition to their need to control, monitor and keep us connected with their ‘Leader’, and thus, the larger group.
These are well-known red-flag strategies of any fundamentalist cult, designed to build dependence, and lose any individual autonomy, or sense of self.
Beware the teacher who tells you that to be enlightened you must understand you are nothing (whilst they remain — for you — everything!)
So, guided groups are the preferred manner’ in which you reach a certain ‘spiritual’ peak state, requiring a ‘willing submission to a leader or moderator who becomes the energy channel’. Or perhaps more aptly — the Manipulator. The tools used are classic cult brainwashing techniques, and many are too openhearted toward the teacher to recognise this.
Participants at the New Age group sessions of Bailey disciple Benjamin Creme ‘reported that he functions in this manner, silently panning the audience with a glassy stare, until people begin to exhibit symptoms of a passive trance state.’
In his book ‘The Nazis and the Occult’, Sklar described Hitler’s unnerving ability as a ‘master occultist’, to ‘trigger in people what could be called altered states of consciousness, either one-on-one or in a crowd. Outsiders who watched him guide crowds to hysterical euphoria attributed it to his study of mass psychology’.
This ability became well-known as a ‘gift’ to ‘impose his will’ described by authors Jean & Michel Angebert in their book ‘The Occult and the Third Reich’ as ‘moving his listeners’ and drawing them ‘into his hidden interior’, the effect was ‘a sort of dizziness, which it took some doing to shake off.’
Are your alarm bells going off yet? Red flags waving high? I’m hoping so.

The leading role of the mass media
‘And empty words are evil.’ ― Homer, The Odyssey
The strategic bending and twisting of much of the mass media by the Movement, into a high-functioning, highly visual, entertaining and active tool of their Plan is a crucial cog in their machinery of global indoctrination.
Without the media, the plan would not get very far at all. The New Age/Pale Horse camp believe they have a very firm grasp on most of the major news networks; and independent political thinkers who rebel or express concern or difference of opinion, are threatened, incarcerated, tortured and worse.
The mass media is, in fact, not what it seems — the disseminator of human events — but actually carries a very powerful leading role as the educators and manipulators of the minds and reactions of the masses.

Children’s entertainment and the Plan
‘Bring it, Darth Bathrobe!’ ― Jim Butcher, White Night
It’s no secret that Hollywood and the movie, gaming and social media world target children as their Numero Uno hit list in terms of captive audience. The reasons may be even more insidious than you might already realise.
It doesn’t seem to matter what religion the children are, Bailey and the Hierarchy’s focus is on the education of children as their key cultural transformational point. And to this end have invested enormous effort into the ‘radical paradigm shift’ they needed to make in the minds of children in order to draw them ever more deeply into their worldwide spider’s web.
Global reinforcement of their teachings has been taking place through popular online forums such as computer and electronic games, cartoons, TV shows, movies, toys, pop and rock songs and videos, books and school activities.
The ‘heroes and heroines’ carry certain messages to the minds of children, with use of occult legends and lore, with old legends and stories rewritten and infiltrated with particular agendas to such a degree as to be almost unrecognisable at times.
And the goal of all this mind infiltration of children? To ‘cure’ children of the ‘sick values’ they learn in the family home. And indoctrinate them with the Pale Horse rider’s values.
Children are always the forerunners of the future. If you were on a fierce mission of undertaking world domination and culling the Bad Seeds — wouldn't you start with the children?
Smells like Auschwitz, walks like Auschwitz, maybe it is…

Neutralizing any opposition to The Plan
‘Evil is a choice one makes, not a natural state of being.’ ― Morgan Rhodes, Rebel Spring
The success of any potential underground resistance movement of the protesting ‘Bad Seeds’ who might want to live, is seen by them as highly unlikely.
The implementation of this plan entails the absolute ‘death of self-identity and personality’. Thus, any spiritual path that inherently upholds the value of the individual soul or ‘personal immortality’ religions [H.G. Wells] will be alleged to be undermining the collective growth of humanity, and the ‘divine’ global network of the HiveMind (yes, like the Borg).
The beautiful values of any religion or spiritual path which teaches individual moral accountability before a pure, just and merciful God, will be held to undermine and present serious obstacles to The Plan which aims to annihilate individual identity to that of Group Identity, thus delegitimizing any monotheistic paths.
The wondrously well-defined Selfhood of God opens the way beautifully to the I-Thou relationship between Human and God, affirming our personalities rather than obliterating us.
This of course, does not work or fit in at all well within the Plan.

Entity promotion
‘More evil gets done in the name of righteousness than any other way.’ ― Glen Cook, Dreams of Steel
Zbignew Brezhinsky(Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor) advised us that it would ‘be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files [which] will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.’ (date unknown).
Of course we’re now living this prophecy of cyber reality on an unimaginably nightmarish scale. Privacy is non-existent except in our imagination. And even this is highly debatable, as the sanctity of our mind has also been invaded through such means as skilled remote viewing, government development of ways to harness and harvest psychic abilities, with use of technology to replicate those skills in often horrifying ways and an often appalling outcome for the targeted recipient.
It would not be unrealistic to say that the technologies we know of are nothing compared to the highly advanced tech, that is in reality being used by various surveillance bodies, government, celebrity, religious and political.
Any person or organisation with a view to dominance in the global and public sphere will have at their fingertips an array of startlingly advanced surveillance tools and the means to implant thoughts, or use Mind Control.
There are other more subtle and just as insidious tools in use also, through the well-researched intensive social media strategies that use the psychological equivalent of Pavlov’s dog slathering for its daily hit or fix of word porridge, through use of ‘likes’, ‘hearts’, followers, ‘tribe’ etc. These tools have been extensively developed with use of psychological know-how, to best hook, and then reel in the target , and thus neutralise any dissent of any identified ‘Bad Seeds’. Online promotion every minute or two is not even enough for the Planners of the Silent Holocaust.
‘People who are not eager to shut off their minds, or who are less than enthusiastic about death and destruction, can be prepared to accept the Plan in gradual increments. They are introduced to the Ageless Wisdom teachings through less unsettling “spiritual paths”, but still working toward the first prerequisite for initiation: the point of abandoning cognitive thinking and passively receiving guidance on an “intuitive” (non-critical) level.’
— Hannah Newman

Negation and name-calling of ‘others’
‘One phenomenon all ponerogenic groups and associations have in common is the fact that their members lose (or have already lost) the capacity to perceive pathological individuals as such, interpreting their behaviour in fascinated, heroic, or melodramatic ways. When the habits of subconscious selection and substitution of thought-data spread to the macrosocial level, a society tends to develop contempt for factual criticism and to humiliate anyone sounding an alarm.’
– Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Political Ponerology
Those who’ve studied this Extermination Plan over time with great concern, have identified some of the strategies that have been, and are now, in play in order to promote the key leading figures in the Plan and invalidate and even destroy the validity of any others who think differently or actively oppose this plan.
One of the strategists, Muller, describes it this way: ‘My second file deals with ways to diminish other entities.
‘Lie about them, denigrate them, do not cease to repeat that they are bad, accuse them of anything and everything.
‘The human species is still at the stage where this is the predominant game on this planet… We need entities.’

‘Relocation’ or the ‘Purging’
‘The healthy man does not torture others — generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.’ — Carl Jung
So those who refuse to comply with the agenda of relinquishing monotheism will be sent far, far away to ‘another dimension’ or a different ‘level of vibration’, right outside of this particular physical incarnation (i.e. death). Alice Bailey, Roerich & Spangler all affirm that these souls would be much happier and better off. Spangler stated that ‘those attuned to the old world’ would be ‘transported through the [cosmic] law of attraction’ to ‘another planet, plane of existence or level of earth’s consciousness where they can be contained. The main point is that they will lose, for the time being, their access to the etheric planes of power and the ability to control or influence the developments upon earth.’
They then will ‘seal the door where evil dwells’. This evil is evidently the concept of the one God; the door is those who hold this belief; and the sealing is their actual death, or removal, as they so wholeheartedly outline.
The intention of global massacre or mass murder as we would name it, is delicately worded to avoid raising the suspicions of their targets, of course, and only those in the know fully understand the deadly intention outlined. Their plan of this ‘global purge’ or ‘cleansing action’, is re-framed by Benjamin Crème as a ‘necessary sword of cleavage.’
Crème states there’s no choice for the targeted ones, as ‘it is indeed a matter of share [not only economic resources and governmental power, but religious belief and identity] or [humanity will] die.’
Barbara Marx Hubbard further explains, fairly bluntly, that ‘the elders’ view those who reject the “quantum transformation” as a growing cancer which must be removed before the whole body is destroyed.’
The Plan section in Hubbard Marx’s Book of Co-Creation warns that any rebellion against this purge will simply be recognised as part of the ‘destructive one-fourth’ of humanity who must be removed to save the apparently much more deserving remainder of humanity.
The GroupMind or HiveMind they actively promote would thus be seen publicly to withstand any challenge and remain in some way vindicated by the quelling of any rebellious ‘Bad Seeds’.

Divide and Conquer
‘I trust everyone. I just don’t trust the devil inside them.’ ― Troy Kennedy Martin
Any of those expressing opposition to the implementation and ideologies of the Plan are being dealt with, or neutralized, in two slightly less extreme ways (than death or destruction of reputation, career and standing in the community).
And this is through either winning them over via infiltration. Or by turning the remainder of any opposing forces against eachother.

Global indoctrination
‘Deep pockets and empty hearts rule the world. We unleash them at our peril.’ ― Stefan Molyneux
Apparently, they’ve found education as the most effective ‘neutralizing’ tactic, and of course, through the young ones — any new and rising generation. The massive investment in this strategy by the forces behind the Plan has been extremely successful.
It gives hope to see they’ve found some older and more mature or ideologically strong-minded folks quite a bit more resistant to the forced implementation and ‘transformation’. However, anyone born from the 1960’s onward have been battered from birth with the strategic and often nonsensical New Age ideologies.
How these ideas ever built any credibility has been a global coup of some magnificence if we view it objectively. On the other hand, it’s destroyed many eras of deep psychological research by deep-thinking philosophers, psychologists, teachers, writers and healers. Many of the New Age quick fixes and ideologies can easily be demonstrated to go nowhere near the edges of any real trauma or intergenerational wounding.
And of course, it’s creating its own new type of intergenerational wounding which will take quite some intensive labour to weed out of the hearts, mind, body and souls of the populace of this planet.

The cracks within
‘There were a billion lights out there on the horizon and I knew that all of them put together weren’t enough to light the darkness in the hearts of some men.’ ― Michael Connelly, The Scarecrow
But despite their great efforts to create rupture and total destruction for any innocent objectors — within the cloying and saccharine ‘unity’ of their own Movement, there is division and strife. This may very well be the saving grace for humanity. Or one of.
These internal ruptures and cracks are not so much due to conflicting ideologies and philosophies but more the clash of giant egos.
The pressure towards the glamour of a simple life for the followers is in no way exemplified by the leaders within the movement, who lead lives of gross materialism, sexual philandering, and luxury.
Their attitude is that of the socially élite, and toward eachother can be smelled the rank odour of competitive malice.
All is not as well as they might hope for, or advertise, within the excesses of their ‘divinely’ hallowed halls.

The problem with the Course in Miracles
‘All the cunning of the devil is exercised in trying to tear us away from the word.’ ― Martin Luther
We have a problem Houston. The Course in Miracles appears as a wondrously channelled book of spiritual teachings of high degree. Now I myself am a natural spiritual channel and medium, and I don't denigrate channelled messages to humanity without reason. But I am taking the stance in this discourse to state the need to deeply examine the content of the Course, to see what theories are being promoted and propagated by a book with teachings that apparently rival the Bible in both volume and fame.
The Course teaches that evil does not exist.
Now this is where we are diametrically opposed. Evil is in our faces every nanosecond of every day, so we shouldn’t be easily tricked by such frivolous and dismissive assertions. We should not ignore the reality of evil on our planet or we’ll never be able to intelligently and wholeheartedly address its impact. This type of thinking and denial seriously handicaps the ability to address and remove evil from our midst. And heal from the damage done.
But the Course states evil is an illusion, and that we can overcome this delusion simply with ‘right thinking’. It twists our minds with the assertion that ‘innocence is wisdom because it is unaware of evil, and evil does not exist.’
In this type of thinking evil only exists if we think it exists — so it doesn’t exist until the individual believes in its existence.
Thus, the tortured, the tormented, the shot, the knifed and wounded, the assaulted, abused and targeted, the raped, the murdered, and the abused — all created all the evil situations they lived or died through, and thus created their own suffering. This shifts the guilt from the perpetrator to the victim and this is everything that is wrong with the New Age way of thinking: ‘The victim stands guilty and the perpetrator had no choice.’
Yes. This appalling type of thinking is where we must draw the line and shift the focus back to the reality of evil that lives in the hearts of others — and not blame the victim!

Using and Abusing Love for the Cause
‘The devil’s agents may be of flesh and blood, may they not?’ ― Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound of the Baskervilles
Love has been commandeered for their cause, and plays no small part in their Plan. Compulsory Love, happiness and being melded to the Hive-mind are all part of their Grande Planne.
Love is being used as a selling point for the Plan, and sentimental humanity is buying. Not realising that the Love being spoken of is not exactly what they might think it is. There are many kinds of love, that’s for sure, and it may surprise them to see the Planned true face of ‘Love’.
Humanity loves love. We love to point our hearts towards the solution of Love for all the intense suffering in our own and others life.
The Course in Miracles states that only Love is real. Hmmm. And any negativity is illusory as is evil.
Yes — it’s simply not real and does not exist. It’s a figment of our own overactive imaginations, and if we dare name evil as existing, we are tried, judged, found guilty and executed for bringing it into our own life.
The Course states ‘illusions are investments. They will last as long as you value them’ and further advises us that ‘the only way to dispel illusions is to withdraw all investment from them, and they will have no life for you because you will have put them out of your mind.’
So, remembering that only love is real, and any suffering or investment in the thought of evil illusory, should assist those being beheaded by a psychopathic soldier, the woman, man or child being raped, the schoolchildren being shot and murdered — all these horrific experiences, according to the Course, are not real.
It’s all explained away by the Course’s dismissal of evil, and any mother or anyone who has lost a loved one or are or have been a victim themself, might find comfort (cold comfort, to my thinking) in the following words:
‘There is no life outside of Heaven. Where God created life, there life must be. In any state apart from heavenly life is illusion’.
This is a deeply concerning co-opting and twisting of Love by their Movement, and we need to reveal in all its malevolent glory their dismissive explaining away of evil.
An evil which they are planning to carry out on one quarter of humanity’s ‘Bad Seeds’. But does not exist because it’s really just Love. Heaven. And all that. And guess what — if according to them you are a Bad Seed, well my friend — you don’t deserve to be here on Earth and will experience their kind of Love (Death).
Frightening stuff and twisted thinking. Let’s hold it all up to the Light to be seen for what it really is. And reveal Who They Really Are.
So — who are they really?

The changer and the changed
I started after him…and the clown looked back. I saw Its eyes, and all at once I understood who It was.” “Who was it, Don?” Harold Gardner asked softly. “It was Derry,” Don Hagarty said. “It was this town.” ― Stephen King, It
So, look again, my friends, look at all those ‘spiritual teachers’ with open eyes, and remember where you’ve felt misgivings, disempowerment, or any strong internal opposition to their teachings.
Look closely at their desperate desire for Guru-dom, and for you to be their servant. Or their apprentice, or acolyte. Whatever word you use doesn't matter — it’s all the same thing — you are lesser than they in this equation of theirs.
This is not enlightenment.
It is something much more sinister.
Now you know. And now you see clearly, it’s up to you to decide the way forward.
And so we put the question to them.
‘Who of you within the spiritual New Age movement has the aspiration and means to gradually execute one-quarter of an unsuspecting humanity?’
Will they answer? I would be surprised to hear any answer….
They have tapped into technology in so many sinister ways, no one is shocked anymore, perhaps many are becoming desensitised and resigned to the lack of privacy and surveillance. We live in a climate of fear if we disagree or rebel. And this is getting worse by the day.
And it’s not only corrupt governments or ‘peacemakers’ who hold these tools, it’s the Movement of the Pale Horse, as we shall call them.
Who seem to be everywhere.

Living beyond the pale horse
‘Aspire to be like Mt. Fuji, with such a broad and solid foundation that the strongest earthquake cannot move you, and so tall that the greatest enterprises of common men seem insignificant from your lofty perspective. With your mind as high as Mt Fuji you can see all things clearly. And you can see all the forces that shape events; not just the things happening near to you.’
— Miyamoto Musashi
Ye shall know them by their deeds, and not by what they say.
Beloveds, don’t you be one of their casualties. For you are no Bad Seed. You are no defective being. You are a child of God, and deserve to be here as much as any other being.
You have the right to live, take up space, and make of your life what you will, without someone else deciding on your right to live or die, and your right to choose your religious or spiritual beliefs.
And whether or not you believe you are God or God is outside you — this is your choice and yours alone.

‘Yes, they who rule over the earth deciding who is to live and who is to die, they who plot evil in their hearts — it is they who are the bad seeds, the evildoers. And their seed shall never be renowned.’
— Barbara H. Peterson

Gustave Doré · Death on a Pale Horse
The Book of Co-creation (excerpt)
— Barbara Marx Hubbard
“Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend.
One-fourth is ready to so choose, given the example of one other…One-fourth is resistant to election. They are unattracted by life ever-evolving. One-fourth is destructive. They are born angry with God…
They are defective seeds…
There have always been defective seeds.
In the past they were permitted to die a ‘natural death’.
We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity. It is like watching a cancer grow.
Now, as we approach the quantum shift from creature-human to co-creative human — the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers — the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body. We have no choice, dearly beloveds.
It is a case of the destruction of the whole planet, or the elimination of the ego-driven, godless one-fourth who, at this time of planetary birth, can, if allowed to live on to reproduce their defective disconnection, destroy forever the opportunity of Homo sapiens to become Homo universalis, heirs of God.
Before this stage of power can be inherited by the God-centered members of the social body, the self-centred members must be destroyed.
Fortunately you, dearly beloveds, are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth.
He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.
We come to bring death to those who are unable to know God.
The riders of the pale horse are about to pass among you. Grim reapers, they will separate the wheat from the chaff. This is the most painful period in the history of humanity…”

Sklar, The Nazis and the Occult, (p. 119)
Jean & Michel Angebert, The Occult and the Third Reich, (p. 232–233)
Blavatsky, Doctrine II, (p. 79)
Benjamin Creme, The Reappearance of the Christ, appendix, “How the Plan is Working Out”
David Spangler, Revelation, Birth of a New Age, (p. 163–4)
Discipleship II, (p. 171)
Externalisation IV, (pp. 535–536)
“An Interview with Robert Muller: Toward a Global Politics [sic]”, The Center Magazine, Nov-Dec. 1981

Copyright 2019/2020 © Julie Von Nonveiller Cairnes. All rights reserved.
I first published this in MEDIUM on Jun 7, 2019