BACK WHEN ALL THE HACKING and trolling of my life began on FB, I blocked my adult son's pages to protect them from those attacking me. Ultimately, doing that had the opposite effect than I'd hoped, and so today I begin to display what really went down, and fight back against the sick intruders in my life, some who apparently ganged up against me.

On that fateful day of court in the Blue Mountains, as described in my FB post above, both my handsome sons dressed up in suits and walked in to the Courthouse on each side of me, supporting me and our little family against the crazy assertions of their loopy father.
I've felt proud of them both on many occasions, but it's hard to express in words how on that day, my heart was filled with so much love and appreciation. Also because no doubt their father would find some underhand way to attack them at some stage down the track for doing so, and they knew it.

My sons looking very handsome, all dressed up for court, and up for a photo, on the back verandah of my house that sat high in the treetops above Kingsford Smith Park in Katoomba.
What WAS it all about, you ask?
Well, Mick, a young psychologist from the local Mental Health Team in the Blue Mountains, phoned me to plead with me to help their work with the local youth, who were one by one being taken to Penrith Pysch ward with acute psychosis, and the team was well aware it was a reaction to the drugs Patrick was dealing to all the kids in the upper mountains. He was the main culprit, and a huge problem in the upper mountains.
I’m a non-drinker and non-drug user and have been for decades. I used drugs for a couple of years in my early teens, but gave up entirely when I became pregnant with my eldest boy. Tried again a few times, but hated it.
Sure I had a few drinks when out dancing at the unforgettable fundraiser drag shows I put on at Gearin’s Hotel for AIDS support services. Sure, I loved to dance all night when I was young and strong.
Unusually for me, at one time I drank a couple of glasses of white wine each night after work for a few months - when my eldest son was hospitalized for just that issue mentioned above (a drug-induced psychosis). Dan commented, and I realized what I was doing and immediately stopped. Never drank again. Being the adult child of an alcoholic, I don’t gravitate to drugs or drink at all anyway. My home is always a haven for the clean and sober.
Back then I was the Coordinator of a Women’s Support Service for Domestic Violence Survivors and well-respected in the mountains for my many years of diverse community work.
In response to Mick’s heartfelt request, I sent a letter to Patrick advising him that I’d get him placed under police surveillance if he didn’t stop dealing to the young kids of the mountains. His ludicrous response (egged on by his new wife Carla, I’m sure) was to place an AVO on me, hence the court case. Laughable. AVO stands for ‘apprehended violence order’.
This is the joke. No violence was ever mentioned nor threatened…nonsensical really. I’ve never placed a hand on anyone, however Patrick was well-known for beating up not only me, but his ex-wife Liza and his mother. A woman beater….
I was taken aback that a dealer of illegal drugs had the balls to do such a thing and wasn’t too worried.
