The De-Spelling of the Wetiko
'It’s the denial of the humanity of the other that lies at the heart of the mystery of evil' (author unknown)

pic · xenomorph · loosh theft · giger matrix psychic vampire
Your life energy — your own life-force — is very, very precious! But do you really have any idea just how precious? Your blood, your breath, your light! Never ever underestimate this — your life energy is worth more than the purest gold in this world.
And in all worlds.
This is why I exhort you to never knowingly or unknowingly give it away!
Mutual sharing of our light with a loved one, or for the gift of healing, is one thing. Although this too can be channelled from source.
But the blatant theft of our life energy is a universally criminal act, and we’re now acting to expose this crime of crimes.
Why weren’t we taught this as children? How to protect ourself from the predators?
Was this on our school curriculum? To know how to avoid and even fight the vampires and predators of our life energy? No! We had to find out the very hard and life-threatening way.
This is because the truth of what’s been going on has been veiled and hidden from humans by various means, but understanding is now dawning.
The New Predators, as identified and named by Lauda Leon and Eve Lorgen, are the most horrific and insidious of creatures.
And too many in this world have succumbed to willingly hosting that low and disgusting demonic level of being on this planet that involves lengthening life using the lifeblood and life psi-energy of others.
How can we find the words to really express the abomination and horror on this planet that’s been enacted all ‘round us, and to us?
Do you think it’s not real? It’s very real. It’s a real-life horror story.
And it needs to end.
Understand that humans are an energy and food source for pathologically sadistic multidimensional parasites.
This then is the basis of our spiritual and psychological insight into our use and abuse.
And the underlying explanation for the debilitating illnesses and ultimate death we experience due to these constant and insidious attacks on our life-force. For many centuries and since the beginning of time.
Humankind has a very serious ‘enemy’ or enemies, who think nothing of feeding off us without our consent or knowledge. And have absolutely no concern for the deadly impact their feeding has on us.
The manipulation these forces use to harvest our life force is extremely relentless, insidious and destructive.
It will take education on a global scale to eradicate this force attempting to rule our planet and us — mind, body and soul.
Now I’ll begin to explain what we as humans are, and just what exactly is going on. I encourage you to read this with an open mind.
However, many who read this may already be aware. But many may not.
The human emanations are not only ‘substance’ but mysterious ‘vibration’, and an incredibly unique and precious essence.
The essence of human life force is sought after throughout the universe and here, amongst demonic entities, vampires and cannibalistic predators.
Many recognise that Earth is actually a prison planet, and the subtle higher and lower energies of human beings are being harvested.
Our very bodies and souls are being literally cannibalised — and our flesh and blood — eaten — in demonic rituals.
The entities attempting to harvest us are not always clearly understood or seen.
Many lodge in human bodies and here the deception begins. We do not always recognise the enemy smiling at us with the face of a ‘friend’.
A very deadly ‘friend’.
In actuality a predatory monstrous vampire. Please do not glamorise the vampire. It’s not a Hollywood movie star. It’s a deadly spiritual parasite and its goal is simply to eat your life essence.
There’s something so incredible about the life energies we emanate that make us a very tasty and desirable food source indeed.
And for this we are tortured, tormented, frightened, fucked, traumatised and ultimately killed.
These are some of the ways in which our energy is released and harvested for the pleasure of the demonic entities who desire to feed from us.
The abomination that has occurred since we were discovered to be this food source has become crystal clear.
And now let me be crystal clear.
Any ritual or undertaking to take, steal or harvest the life energy of a human being IS an atrocity.
What’s now being openly revealed is that this has been done since the beginning of time through the horrific use of terrorising, tormenting and torture, through fucking, rape and seduction, and through cannibalising of our life blood and flesh.
The rituals that have been used for this rank from absolute horror to subtle and devious.
Humanity needs to wake up to the horrific inhumanity living in our midst with faces just like ours.
And humanity urgently needs to awaken to the realisation that we need to no longer allow this to happen, in any way possible — and protect our young and ourselves from this gross violation of our very flesh and blood.
Child abuse and human sacrifice is one of their portals to human energy harvesting.
If enlightenment is this realisation — so be it. Let the light shine down and show the horror occurring in our midst. Let it be seen.
Be enlightened my friends as to the very nature of the attacks on our own flesh and blood.
And on our immortal souls.
Now let me make it very clear that you and I — as humans — are born as master magicians and conscious creators and this is what those trying to steal our life energy from us are trying to get us to forget.
And many are dwelling in the halls of forgetfulness. In the halls of terror, pain and suffering.
Or medicated with drugs, sex or other forms of numbing.
As I write the annals of terror we’ve been subjected to for aeons as a method of extracting our life energy, I really want to create a new story of us of learning how to overcome the evil attacking us constantly.
My hope is that you don’t fall into fear as you read this — but into understanding. And learn how to rise above these dark entities to starve them of us, their food, thus moving into our own ‘becoming’ — our spiritual realisation.
This is one kind of enlightenment.
Yes — enlightenment can occur in this way.
The entities that steal from us are often clothed in human form but this is simply their mask, that cloaks the truth of what they really are.
And yes, humans can also become a willing host and vampiric entity in this process.
Humans have been led to believe they’ve been participating in sacred rituals and rites.
The deception has been absolutely phenomenal. Any ritual using blood and torture is not life affirming. It simply feeds the bloodlust of the beast. Of the demon.
Even faux blood. Capisce?
The spilling of blood and the tearing of flesh and the experience of terror in child or adult has created an abomination of the mysteries for aeons, and must end!
I don’t believe any being in their right mind fully believes these practices are in any way ethical or belong to the Light.
When any rite is performed in this way it’s not summoning the light of God but the darkness of demons.
That these sacred substances of humans are produced through suffering is evil of the lowest kind, and almost all humans are asleep to this terrible and horrifying fact.
Any rite related to suffering is evil. It’s anti-life, anti-human.
And was not ever for our spiritual evolution but merely produces the deeply desired and precious food for demons.
The fallacy that humans were misled to believe was that it was for our own spiritual growth, and that some god proclaimed this.
This is the biggest joke and crime against humanity ever perpetrated.
That humans believed these deadly rituals this to be sacred and for our spiritual growth, demonstrates the utter blindness, brokenness, ignorance and death of the human’s natural internal moral compass that has occurred over time.
Either that — or the human greed for power has over-ridden any true compassion or empathy, and allowed sociopathic soul-less monsters to be hosted within humans.
Loosh can best be explained as our life force or spiritual energy.
This includes our emotional energy such as happiness or unhappiness. Robert Monroe’s usage of the word Loosh referred to ‘the emotional energy radiated by animals and humans in dire circumstances that entail intense, severe pain and suffering in body and psyche.
And so, ‘Loosh’, in this older usage, described a negative experiential spectrum.’
This metaphysical understanding of an alchemical life process was harnessed by the dark and evil arts and otherworldly inhuman entities starving for this substance.
Exploitation of Loosh production was created through terrible torment and trauma of humans.
This destructive cruelty was guaranteed to release masses of the precious substance Loosh for these demonic entities to feed upon. Loosh is incredibly precious to these demonic entities and is the very substance that psi-vampires and pathological narcissists feed off.
There are different types of Loosh- there is the ‘dreadful Loosh’- a lower level energy humans and animals produce when terrorised and tormented.
Then there is ‘Beautiful Loosh’, an entirely different spectrum of life energy.
Cannibalistic beings torment and torture the being which then releases great amounts of these Loosh secretions throughout their being, which these demonic beings then often murder and consume.
This is the underlying motive of all cannibalistic rituals throughout this planet, where blood and flesh is fetishized, terrorised, murdered and consumed.
Or else, the human is kept alive on this earthly prison farm, at a very low level of existence, in order to keep producing Loosh to feed the hungry demons.
The release of our Loosh is an extremely powerful drug and food to these cannibals, who desire it like nothing else.
The ‘game on this planet is not really about money — it’s about power and energy. But you know that by now.
The concept of Negative Loosh is about just how the Dark Forces harness our energy and rein us in for their own use, like dumbed-down beasts of burden on this prison planet.
Humans are trapped and leashed like dogs, living a life of oppression and repression.
In this subtle battle to raise our vibration out of reach of the manipulation and engineering of Loosh energies, we aim for our heart centre.
This upward shift recalibrates our frequency, lifting us higher as we fall from our mind into our heart. And frees us from the pervasive and ominous reach of the dark cabal.

The New Predator will intentionally attempt to trigger your feelings of loneliness.
And of suffering, even in obtuse and underhand, subtle ways — and this will feed those psi-vampires and other predatory parasitical entities.
Don’t give your precious Loosh away! “There is a special “energy” called “Loosh” which is precious and wanted by some somewhere. This is [sometimes] provided by animals who are fighting, during a fight for life, and when ending a life span, Loosh can be harvested. But the most Loosh can be gotten from humans; the creator had implanted a part of his own into these humans. When they have feelings like loneliness, desire, parent’s love, grief etc., the highest quality distilled Loosh can be harvested, which is by far [more desirable to these parasitical entities and evil predators] than any other raw Loosh.”
— “Far Journeys, The Mystery of Loosh”
The concept of ‘Beautiful Loosh’ is that of True Loosh.
It’s our precious Life Energy when perfectly free — free to create and live in the ways we choose.
Those who have found sanctuary in this very dangerous world, and are able to live as spiritual lights, are catalysts for the continuous journey of ascendance and transcendence of humanity.
This is our future, as we free ourselves and humanity from the demonic grip of the dark forces feeding off us.
DREADFUL LOOSH (Parasites on the Loosh)
‘Dreadful Loosh’ is the flesh and blood enriched with the energies released by terrorism, rape, torture and often killing, and then prepared and eaten by the horrific demonic cannibals that DO exist in our realms and beyond.
The terrible understanding of Earth being set up as a prison farm for energy harvesting of both humans and animals has been written of by both Castaneda and Robert Monroe.
This relentless exploitation of Loosh through the millennia has been achieved through the vampiric and cannibalistic consumption of the ‘premium form of blood and flesh via the terror of ritual sacrifice (human and animal)’.
EMPATH VS. NON-EMPATH (compassion vs. the psychopath)
A test of humanity versus inhumanity is the empath versus the non-empath.
It’s a very simple rule of thumb that those who enact these ritualistic horrors are remorseless, relentless, conscience-less and soul-less beings feeding off the brilliant essence of humanity.
No true empath could ever enact such an abhorrence against another being.
Empaths know there is another light and food source.
And choose that path — toward the Light of God and not feeding from the Light of another human being.
That’s the true Path of Heart.
Basically the sacred Askokin substance is the result of the marriage and consummation of the mercury and the sulphur.
It’s the transmuted energy that crystallises to form the new bodies. In truth, it’s the transmutation of our sexual and life energies.
Askokin, blended with two other substances, Abrustdonis and Helkdonis, are ‘liberated’ from the human body and soul either through sexual interactions, often with a succubus or demonic entity, or through intense terror and torture.
“Let us dance with thought-forms through a deeper understanding of ethics, knowing and being, and the intimate awareness that our individual minds and bodies are a part of the collective battleground for the soul of humanity, and indeed, life on this planet. And let us re-embrace the ancient futures of our Indigenous ancestors that represent the only continuous line of living in symbiosis with Mother Nature. The dissolution of the Wetiko will be as much about remembering as it will be about creation.”
— Alnoor Ladha, Martin Kirk
Yes, the predator has a name. Wetiko is one of its many names.
This disease of Wetiko, a vicious psycho-spiritual virus, is infecting the entire planet and will wipe it out if not recognised and dealt with head on.
It’s a literal flesh-eating cannibalistic disease characterised by an invasive culture totally predatory in nature.
Humans are often host to this spiritual parasite.
The invaders believe no other life form is as important or has any value but theirs. They believe other life forms are there purely to serve and feed them.
The cruelty and torture that accompanies this belief is unspeakably evil. The curing of this virulent disease is humanity’s number one priority today.
Wetiko is the Native American term describing humanity’s appalling inhumanity to itself.
The concept goes across many cultures with different names — the Cree refer to a diabolically wicked person or spirit who terrorizes others, the Algonquin describe it as a cannibalistic spirit driven by greed, excess, and selfish consumption (in Ojibwa it is windigo, wintiko in Powhatan).
Many spiritual traditions, including Buddhism, Sufism (the mystical branch of Islam), Taoism, Gnosticism, as well as many Indigenous cultures, have long understood the mind-based nature of creation.
And most spiritual and religious traditions have a comparable understanding and many names for demonic, parasitic, predatory, hungry and invasive energy.
These worldviews have at their core a recognition of the power of thought-forms to determine the course of physical events.
Within this understanding are the seeds of our redemption from this deadly invasion.
We can create new thought-forms to drive out the psychopathic insanity of the Wetiko from our midst.
Wetiko carriers are identified by their icy heart — with utterly no capacity for any empathy or compassion.
This parasitic entity deludes its host into believing that cannibalizing the life-force of others (others in the broad sense, including animals and other forms of Gaian life) is a logical and morally upright way to live.
It sees the destruction and feeding off the life and environment of other beings as not only legitimate but builds some kind of insane moral code around this vampiric and cannibalising behaviour.
“The opposite of humanity is brutality… Brutality is often due to a failure of imagination. Man turned beast becomes his opposite, a species sui generis. The opposite of the human is not the animal, but the demonic.”
— Abraham J. Heschel, theologian and philosopher
Some describe the Wetiko as an insane being whose particularly malevolent disease is extremely contagious. Wetiko’s are the human vehicles for the transpersonal ‘spirit of evil’ to terrorize the world.
Its brilliant ruses often successfully prevent humanity from addressing it front-on. And if NOT addressed the result WILL be death, make no mistake.
On a massive scale.
Toynbee says that unless a culture is created within ‘civilisations’ where creativity is nurtured, then it’s as though that society sleepwalks to its own demise — an outside invasion doesn’t need to create that civilisations’ suicide.
But there is much more complexity to the Wetiko than creativity.
The death of our creative spirit occurs through nefarious means.
We need to look at this on an individual level and also on the larger picture global scale, as it’s enacted as we speak.
This is a psycho-spiritual disease of the soul, so evil, those of us who are of another spiritual ilk simply cannot imagine its gaping blackness of being, and relentless hunger for human energy.
The progressive dehumanisation and dominion over another, the imprisoning, caging and dispiriting of the human being, is the modus operandi of the extremely sadistic ‘full-blown Wetiko’.
Through their disempowerment and process of turning a human into an object, they themselves are deluded into believing in their own sense of godlike omnipotence.
They believe they have gained worldly and magical power, when what they’ve truly done is morphed themself into a horrific vampiric cannibalistic predator that cannot connect with God. But can only use the life essence of others to feel ‘alive’.
These are the living dead.
Their sadistic enjoyment in the pain, torment and terror of another underscores the psychopathic nature of these entities.
But the tragedy of our world to those who have truly awakened is that this world is currently lorded over by these ‘full-blown Wetiko’s’.
Many shamanic practitioners believe that the Wetiko can only be overcome by recognising the potential for the Wetiko within each of us. Yes, this is one way, for some. But the bitter truth is that many victims of the Wetiko are not potential Wetiko’s but are beautiful souls like the gentle deer of the forest — food for the predator.
Children, for example, and the creation of their suffering, are a favoured food source, as are sensitive empaths.
The goal of the Wetiko is chaos, destruction of life, and a relentless drive toward obliteration and oblivion.
Warning! The New Predator · Anaiya Sophia
BREAKING THE CURSE OF EVIL — De-spelling the Wetiko
The dispersal of the Wetiko energy is complex to understand but on a shamanic level, entirely possible.
It begins with awareness. Always the first step to healing is an awakening of awareness. No saviour, no new invention, no genius, can save us from this global virus.
So what can we — and you — do?
Firstly, we must avoid capture and harnessing by the predatory cannibals and educate and protect our children in this also.
We must understand deeply just how it is that we release our life energies and how they are plugged and corded into our physical and spiritual/energetic bodies, draining us of our essence and breath of life.
The dreadful Loosh is released through terrorism and torture — this is not hard to explain or understand.
Over time, without frightening you with overly graphic details, and knowing you already know, this has been achieved through- the hunt, the capture, the tying down and torture, and terrorism on physical and psychological levels.
We release our Loosh through terror, fear, despair, anxiety, happiness, sadness, sexual lust and masturbation/rape/sex with a succubus.
Death of its victim though suicide, illness or murder, after excruciating physical and or psychological torture, is one of the greatest releases of Loosh known to the predator.
Our first realisation though, is that we often feed them with our attention. Not always, but often.
The next realisation is that when we reclaim our creative energy and protect it and use it — then we will be feeding ourself with our own life energy.
Not only this- once we recognise the incredible immensity and natural power of the human spirit, we will see what’s really been going on with no blinker or blindfolds — the lightning has struck and all is seen.
We must then release ourselves from the grip of most spiritual teachers and others who seek to be a mediator between us and our God.
Because often these spiritual mediators and ‘teachers’ are diabolical thieves of our Loosh also. We must learn to make that direct connection ourself. You must believe and know this is entirely possible for humans.
This is our gift and birthright — we have that direct connection.
With God.
This truth goes deeper and higher than Words can say.

One of our greatest refuges from this predator is the achieving of inner peace.
The state of calm doesn’t release the fear chemicals and Loosh so desired by the cannibal, who, bored, will look for the energy food produced by heightened arousal through terror of another victim.
If we can starve this predator from our planet this would be no small feat.
Make no mistake — humanity is in the midst of a massive battle for its very existence and freedom — and we WILL win.
Because darkness always consumes itself and Light always eventually wins. And so it has been written.

Parasites on The Loosh By Zen Gardner, 05/11/2016 The fundamental understanding that we are an energy source for some form of…
Copyright 2018/2020 © Julie Von Nonveiller Cairnes. All rights reserved.
This article was published in MEDIUM on Mar 7, 2019 and on my prior website in 2018
